In the context of cultural promotion, the dissemination of the Italian language has a priority role because knowledge of Italian is the key to understanding it is necessary to get in touch with our culture in a broad sense and to better understand the dynamics of “Living in the Italian “. Over two million foreigners choose to study our language to get closer to our rich artistic and creative cultural heritage.
In Israel our language is one of the most studied and many Israelis have completed university studies in Italy. For these reasons, in Israel there are about 50,000 people who speak Italian, including communities of Italian and Libyan origin.
Italian courses are taught at various Israeli universities, in particular: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Department of Italian Studies; Tel Aviv University, Department of Foreign Languages; University of Haifa, Department of Multidisciplinary Studies; Technion, Department of Humanities; Ben Gurion University, Department of Multidisciplinary Studies; Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzlyiah. Italian is also taught in some Israeli schools and since 2012 the Israeli Ministry of Education has allowed Italians to be presented as a subject of Bagrut (high school diploma).
There are about 5,000 Israelis studying Italian. If you are interested in studying Italian, you can contact private schools or the following institutional teaching centers:
> Italian Cultural Institute of Tel Aviv