1. The Director General for Libraries and Cultural Institutes of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities (MiBAC), with Decree n. 50 of February 5, 2019, published in G.U. n. 17 of March 1, 2019 – announced grant competition prizes for translation to be financed with the Fund for the promotion of Italian culture and language in the world, established pursuant to Law 11 December 2016 n. 232.
2. For the year 2019, no. 10 (ten) cash prizes for translations into Italian from foreign languages or into foreign languages from Italian. The following typology of works is admitted:
a. Literary works in prose and poetry;
b. Works of literary criticism, art criticism, essays, scientific research;
c. Film and theatre screenplays.
3. Individual translators, publishers, film and theatre production companies of Italian or foreign nationality are entitled to apply.
Candidates can apply for participation solely through the “Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities – Directorate-General for Libraries and Cultural Institutes, Via Michele Mercati 4, 00197 Rome” by May 31st, 2019, according to the procedures specified in the competition notice.
4. The announcement and related attachments (in Italian) can be consulted and downloaded at the following link:
www.gazzettaufficiale.it/eli/id/2019/03/01/19E02023/s4; http://www.librari.beniculturali.it/it/notizie/notizia/Bando-di-concorso-per-la-concessione-di-premi-per-le-traduzioni-annualita-2019.
5. For any information, applicants can apply directly to the following contacts:
Dr. Michela Calisse: 06 67235069 – michela.calisse@beniculturali.it
Dr. Daniela Laurenti: 06 67235079 – daniela.laurenti@beniculturali.it
Dr. Paola Puglisi: 06 67235082 – paola.puglisi@beniculturali.it
Secretariat of Executive, Service II: 06 67235002 – dg-bic.servizio2@beniculturali.it
6. The above information concerns ONLY the grant competition prizes of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities for translations to be financed with the Fund for the enhancement of Italian culture and language abroad, for 2019, separate and distinct from the Italian MFA’s call for awards and contributions for translations into foreign languages of Italian literary and scientific works (also on digital support).