If you intend to enroll in a higher education course in Italy and you are not a citizen of a country of the European Union, you must:
- pre-enroll according to the procedure and the timing that will be published on the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MUR) website and on the dedicated sections of the website of this Embassy;
- apply for an entry visa to Italy for long-term stays.
It is possible to pre-enroll for the chosen course online through the Universitaly portal. However, if you are a resident of Israel, it is necessary to complete some steps directly at this Embassy.
FIRST STEP – Consult the Universitaly Portal
- First of all, consult the educational offer, or all the information on courses and Universities on the Universitaly portal. Only once you have a clear idea and have matured your choice, you can pre-enroll for the course you are interested in.
- Warning! You will have to verify directly with the chosen university whether it is necessary to obtain a letter of eligibility for enrollment before applying for enrollment.
SECOND STEP – Pre-register online
- At this stage, you can click on ‘Pre-registration application> New pre-registration application’ to start the process. Remember that you can only send one pre-enrollment application for the 2021/2022 academic year, thus choosing a single university and a single course of study.
- At the ‘Pre-registration application’ stage you will have to upload the following documents to the portal:
- Copy of passport
- ‘Bagrut Melea’ (high school diploma) complete with Apostille as per the Convention of The Hague and translation into Italian (see list of translators)
- Declaration of value (if already obtained in the past)
- Warning! If this is your first time pre-enrolling and you have never obtained a declaration of value, you can request it from this Consulate once the pre-enrollment is complete. To request it, leave a sealed envelope containing the original translated and apostilled ‘Bagrut Melea’ in the special mailbox located outside the Consular Office (on the 21st floor of the ‘Trade Tower Building’ in Hamered Street, 25, Tel Aviv) , together with a copy of the passport and copy of the pre-registration made on the portal. This Consulate will contact you as soon as the declaration of value is ready for collection. If you prefer to have it sent to you by mail, please leave a pre-paid, pre-addressed envelope in the sealed envelope itself. If you have obtained your high school diploma in a country other than Israel and Italy, please note that you will need to request the declaration of value from the competent Italian Consulate in the Country where you completed your studies.
THIRD STEP – Check for any additional condition of enrollment, such as entrance and language exams
• If you have decided to enroll in medicine, veterinary, health professions and architecture courses, in addition to pre-enrollment, you will also have to take a specific entrance exam, the passing of which is a condition for definitive enrollment in the course.
• Information on the calendar and on how to register for the entrance exams, as well as on the payment of the related fees, are available on the portal accessoprogrammato.miur.it/2021
• As for the requirements for enrollment in all other courses, you will need to contact the relevant University directly. It is usually required to pass an Italian language exam.
FOURTH STEP – Apply for a visa
- Once all the required documents have been attached, when your pre-enrollment will be validated by the University you have chosen on the Universitaly portal, you can submit your visa application to this Consulate.
• To do so, you will need to book an appointment with the Consulate through the Prenota@Mi portal.
• Warning! We remind you that the visa application must be submitted at least 15 days before your departure for Italy. In anticipation of the high number of applications as well as the possible restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, we invite you to submit your request well in advance as soon as possible. - On the day of the appointment you will have to bring with you:
the entry visa application form (available at this link);- Visa application form (download from this link);
- One recent passport-sized photograph;
- A valid travel document, with expiration date at least three months longer than the visa requested;
- Documentation proving the availability in Italy of an adequate accommodation;
- Demonstration of the availability in Italy of means of subsistence, equal to not less than € 459.83 for each month of the academic year (€ 5,977.79 per year). This availability can be proven by: showing personal or family assets (e.g. bank account statements); economic guarantees provided by Italian institutions and bodies of proven credit, by local governments, or by foreign institutions and bodies considered reliable by the Italian Embassy in Tel Aviv;
- Documentation proving the availability of the amount needed for repatriation, or a return ticket;
- Documentation proving the availability of an adequate insurance coverage for medical treatment and hospitalization;
- The letter of acceptance to the study course issued by the University;
- Cash for the payment of the visa fee.
Warning! Within eight days of your arrival in Italy you will have to apply for a residence permit at the competent Police Headquarters. before doing that, we invite you to consult the attached document “rights and duties of foreigners relating to long-term admissions and stays”.