The Italian Embassy in Tel Aviv issued a call last May for the selection of Italian start-up companies to spend an acceleration period in Israel (BANDO ACCELERATE)
The program “Accelerate in Israel” aims to promote the international growth of Italian start-ups by facilitating an acceleration period for them in Israel with a lump sum funding. The funding is intended as a non-repayable contribution for expenses related to the acceleration period in Israel, including those for services offered by the accelerator.
An Evaluation Committee, chaired by the Embassy of Italy, has the duty to select a group of suitable start-ups among those which applied. Another task of the Committee is to identify, in the Israeli ecosystem, the accelerator which could offer suitable conditions and a highly profitable program for the start-ups.
Interested accelerators can apply to the Embassy of Italy by September the 5th, at 11:59 am (Israeli time) submitting the budget proposal and the A-Form by email to:
Criteria for the selection of the accelerator can be downloaded here.