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Invitation to tender for construction works and supply aimed at strengthening the security of the Embassy of Italy in Tel Aviv – CIG 8138530


Article 11.4 and Article 14.1 of the Invitation to tender letter are amended as follows:

11.4 Tender offers (together with the required documents and attachments) must be delivered to the Customer’s address no later than Friday June 11th, at 11 am.

14.1 The outer envelopes enclosing the tenders will be opened by the Head of Administration at the Embassy of Italy (8th floor), on Monday June 14th at 11 a.m.. This first session is public and may be attended by the Bidders’ authorized representatives and delegates.


Following some questions related to the composite wall panels, we clarify that the main requirement for bulletproof protection is the level FB4.

As a consequence, the thickness of 2,5 mm as mentioned in the technical document (page 3) is not mandatory. Contractors can propose a composite panel with different thickness (i.e. 11mm) that offers the same FB4 performance.