Please note that this Embassy does not make translations, nor does it certify translations prepared by third parties (certificazione della conformità della traduzione all’originale in lingua ebraica), except for “dichiarazioni di valore” (declarations of value) of diplomas and titles issued in this Consular Jurisdiction, official documents already apostilled and any civil status certificate for the registration in Italy.
For the certified translation of official documents from Hebrew into Italian other than the ones above, please find the following options:
- Use a sworn translator in Italy (lists are available at the Italian Law Courts);
- Have a translation certified by one of the Italian Law Courts or Italian town halls (Asseverazione di traduzione) – if such service is provided;
- Have the documents translated by an Israeli public official empowered by the law to declare the conformity of translation such as a Notary.
A public deed or certificate issued by the Israeli authorities to be valid in Italy must bear the so-called “Apostille”, be translated and be accompanied by the certificate of conformity to the original. The Apostille is a stamp/seal that certifies the authenticity of documents issued by a country that must be recognized in other countries.
To get an Israeli document valid in Italy, follow these simple steps:
STEP 1 – Affixing of the Apostille
Ask the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to affix the Apostille on your original document. For more information, procedures and appointments click here.
STEP 2 – Translation of the document
Translate the document on which the Apostille has been affixed.
STEP 3 – Conformity translation certification
Ask for an appointment at the consulate through our online platform in order to obtain the certificate of translation conforming to the original. On the day of the appointment, bring with you the original document, the translation and the contact details for the payment of the consular fee.
Israeli students who have undertaken a course of study in Italy are exempt from paying the consular fee if they bring with them a copy of their university card or certification proving their enrollment.